After Brexit Vote Revealed Holidays to Spain Immediately Increase 10%
Tourism in Certain Spanish Villages Rockets Thanks to Game of Thrones
Property Purchases Rise 24% in May
Habaneras on the Beach
Challenging the Xenophobia of Brexit
More corruption investigations across Spain
Spanish Rugby 7 Team Make Olympics Against All Odds
Bowie Tribute Concerts in Madrid and Barcelona This Weekend
Which Stores Have Already Begun Their Summer Sales Before the Official Date?
Institutional statement on Brexit by the acting President of the Government
Population Reduces the Most along the Valencia Coast
The Increase in Number of Millionaires in Spain Is Biggest in Europe

Spanish Guides

Guide to the Best Apps for Carrying Out Bike Excursions and Routes
16 October 2015
Getting out on a bike and cycling from place to place has become trendy over the last few years. Not only is it a healthy and relatively fast way of moving around (well, it’s generally faster than...
Hits: 356
Guide to Some Alternative Activities to Do in Your Free Time
01 October 2015

Guide to Some Alternative Activities to Do in Your Free Time

Most of us find ourselves weighed down by our busy lives and have little free time to relax. We may find ourselves always doing the same things at the weekend or find that the few hours that we do...
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Hits: 703
Guide to the Best Places to Visit with Children in Valencia
25 September 2015
Although the summer holidays have come to an end and the kids have already started a new year back at school, this guide will come in handy for forthcoming weekends and the holiday periods next year...
Hits: 963
03 August 2015

Guide to the Best Places to Eat in Spain

Food and gastronomy have become important issues in our lives. Of course, we have to feed ourselves every day to survive, but we also like to enjoy what we are eating at the same time. The number of...
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Hits: 1,022
Guide to Spain’s Most Popular Wine Routes
22 July 2015

Guide to Spain’s Most Popular Wine Routes

On The Pulse has produced a number of wine guides, which, for some reason, apart from them being extremely useful and interesting, have proved exceptionally popular with our readers, as have our...
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Hits: 606
Guide to the Best Areas of Natural Beauty in Spain
14 July 2015
Anyone who really knows Spain, those who have ventured away from the coastal resorts popular with the tourist masses and explored the ‘real’ Spain will already know that this is a country with some...
Hits: 38,092
06 July 2015

Guide to the Best Spanish Films of All Time

Spanish cinema is in a class of its own. Well, it has to be, really, when you consider its history over the last 100 years – Civil War, a country split in two, Franco, life under a semi-Fascist...
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Hits: 592
Guide to Spain’s Biggest Companies
22 June 2015
While the stereotypical view of Spain is purely that of a holiday destination, a place where the locals down sangria, work in the hostelry industry and like to take a midday siesta, the reality is...
Hits: 1,279
Guide to the Most Practised Sports in Spain
11 June 2015
If you were asked which the most popular sport in Spain is, there’s no doubt that every single person questioned would give football as their answer. More often than not Spaniards have been accused...
Hits: 1,430
Guide to Some of the Oldest Cities in Spain
05 June 2015
There’s no doubt about it. Spain is a country steeped in history that dates back thousands of years. While there is evidence indicating that the first continuously populated urban settlement was in...
Hits: 1,558
Guide to the Best Spanish Beers
27 May 2015
Beer. It’s not only one of the most popular and most consumed drinks on the Iberian Peninsula and in its islands, it is also a way of life. No matter what time of the day, just take a look around you...
Hits: 2,112
Guide to the Spanish Towns with the Most Curious Names
19 May 2015

Guide to the Spanish Towns with the Most Curious Names

There’s a village in Spain called Lepe, which literally translates to “be a complete twit or idiot”. Anyone that comes from that village must be faced with an untold amount of jokes at their expense...
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Hits: 824


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leftOn The Pulse is a leading website dedicated to researching and reporting up-to-date information about Spanish property, legislation and the economy
