Off The Pulse

Supermarket ploys to make customer spend money
Posted by Julie Day

How many times have you walked into a supermarket with the intention of buying just one or two items and ended up leaving with a whole basket or trolley-full of shopping? I bet the answer is definitely more than once.

It takes a really strong-willed, focused and determined person not to fall under the supermarket’s 99% fail-proof marketing strategy of tempting customers to purchase more than they actually planned to.


  • shopping
  • commerce
  • marketing
  • supermarkets
Posted by Suzanne O'Connell

The 23rd June might be a little distant from now but it’s likely that we’ll hear nothing else but the referendum until then. We knew it was coming as David Cameron had made it one of his election pledges. However, the early date still came as something of a surprise to many.

Posted by Julie Day

There may be a few people that have had enough of celebrating Christmas, but let's make one last effort for the last fiesta of this festive period.


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