Posted by Julie Day on September 29, 2016
Internet use in Spain

I’ve written a lot about technology this week, and it seems that there has been quite a lot written about this subject in the news and Spanish press this week.

For many, the Internet, apps and the latest technology trends are quite baffling. But spare a thought for the hundreds of thousands of people living in Spain who have never even connected to the Internet not even once.

According to the latest figures from Eurostat, the office of European statistics, last year in 2015 it was revealed that almost one out of every five Spaniards between the ages of 16 and 75 had never connected to the Internet in their life.

This percentage, 20% of the population, means that we are ranked above the European average of 16% of people that have never been online.

As you can imagine, the most Internet savvy nations are the Nordic countries, with Luxemburg, Denmark, Holland, Sweden, Finland, the UK and Estonia who all have fewer than 10% of their population that have never used the Internet.

Germany has 10%, while France has 11%, and even countries like Slovakia (16%) and Lithuania (18%) are ranked higher than Spain.

Spain actually sits in the 13th lowest position, although we are above countries including Malta (22%), Portugal (28%) and Italy (28%).

The three nations at the bottom of the table are Greece (30%), Rumania (32%) and Bulgaria (35%).

Despite the fact that these figures may seem a little high, they are still a long way off those registered in 2005, when 50% of the population had never connected to the Internet.

Much of the figures are related to the age of those asked, as in the 55 to 74 bracket, as many at 49% of Spaniards had never been online. On the other hand, when comparing this to number of 16 to 29 year olds, 98% of this age group were, in fact, familiar with Internet use.




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